Being Grateful in a Less-Than-Awesome Year
2020 has been quite the year—and it is not even over yet! Of course, any one of us could easily come up with a long list of things to be ungrateful for, a negative list of every bad occurrence that has taken place since March due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In a sense, being sad or negative or depressed is simple. Being grateful is difficult.
There are many things to be grateful for, both in our business and personal lives. This is a great time of year to stop and practice gratitude.
What Are You Grateful For?
The act of being grateful can lead to experiencing positive emotions. As a matter of fact, if you are experiencing negative emotions and do not want to, the fastest way to “reset” your physiology is to start thinking of things you are grateful for.
Here are some ideas to help get you started:
Your Health
Are you healthy? Are you able to see, to smell, to breathe, to walk? Health comes in many various forms; the idea of being healthy can mean something entirely different to two people. Consider what being healthy means to you, and then, if you do think you have your health, try and be grateful for it.
Health is something that is so easy to take for granted when we have it. I find that if I spend time with those who are health challenged I become so grateful for what I do have. If this is not an option for the day, take five minutes to try and imagine how hard life would be without vision. My wife’s grandmother is ninety this month and she has lost over 90% of her vision. Visiting with her and seeing her frustration with dealing with day to day issues I take for granted helps me to be grateful for my blessings of health.
One good thing about the pandemic is that most people are eating more healthful meals and less fast food, and they are feeling better with more energy. People are also watching their weight and even losing excess pounds, especially after some of the initial reports that overweight people were having a harder time fighting Covid-19 than slimmer people.
Friends and Family
Are you surrounded by loved ones? Now, more than ever before, it is important to be grateful for people who are in your life. You may be facing hardships but think how much more difficult times would be if you were dealing with them by yourself. Be grateful for having someone in your life that you can lean on.
Thank you notes are rare and precious in today’s digital age. Take 5 minutes and write a handwritten thank you note to someone you love and hand or mail it to them. The process of writing the note, thinking about all the things you are grateful for in that relationship, expressing them in writing and giving it to someone you love is so rewarding for you both.
Work and Business
So many people have lost their jobs, their income, their sense of security. If you still have work or your business to keep you busy, focused, and earning a steady paycheck, be grateful. It’s a wonderful exercise to express your gratitude to your clients or boss by writing them a thank you note or leaving them a review on Google My Business, Yelp, their Facebook business page, or their LinkedIn profile as a recommendation.
Similarly, it is the perfect time of year to ask your clients or boss to leave you a review on one of these digital assets.
Never Stop Being Grateful
Of course, there are plenty of other things to be grateful for in this world; everyone’s list will look different. Perhaps you are grateful for a pet or something you have achieved. Maybe the fact that you have a special skillset or the ability to be patient and understanding during trying times gives you reason to smile.
That is the thing about being grateful: there is nothing too big or too small to be grateful for; no right or wrong answer. And while it may feel more difficult this year compared to others, you can always find something when you look hard enough.